
ILC is the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society. They are a charity that has been operating for the past 25 years and has been doing research to understand how we can all live a healthier life as we age. In this article we will discuss about Importance of Personal Health & Social Media.

Our Mission

Digital Willow was appointed to assist in research around the flu and pneumonia jabs and to help increase uptake and awareness of both jabs within low deprivation areas in the United Kingdom using social media platforms.

As such, we had a further question we wanted to solve. Whether:

1. Using social media to target young people from lower economic backgrounds would be an effective way to increase the routine uptake of vaccinations among their older family members.


2. Targeting older individuals directly via social media would be more effective.

Digital Willow approach

The method in doing this was to create several advertisements for social media plus four bespoke landing pages for each of the target audiences (Flu – targeting younger and older audiences and Pneumonia – targeting younger and older audiences). Each landing page contained a specific message tailored to the specific audience and gives detail about Importance of Personal Health & Social Media.

The complex model of the different audiences needed to be reflected in our paid media strategy. We used very specific geo-targeting across England, Wales and Scotland narrowing down on deprived areas of these countries. The target audiences were carefully built using Government Deprivation Indexes for England, Scotland and Wales.

We created four bespoke videos, producing the direction and content on behalf of ILC, in addition to this we also created an animated video and single image ads. All of which played their part in building a narrative around the importance of the jabs and the people it impacts.


The measurable results from this campaign were incredible and something we are very proud of. In a four-week period, we generated:

  • 5,203,569 impressions
  • 44,045 clicks to the landing pages via the ads shown on Facebook and Instagram.
  • 1,016,836 forms of post engagement, a statistic that is very impressive given the fact that the campaign had an overall reach of 1,336,607.
  • 76% of those who saw the ads reacted or engaged with the content in some way, i.e., a like, a share or a comment. In fact, we noted 1,812 post comments from the core target audience during the 4-week period (it was a researcher's delight!).

Our biggest achievement came from the low cost per jab button clicked. Based on the spending across both the flu and pneumonia campaigns, it cost £40.97 for someone 50+ to book their flu jab and £11.27 for someone aged 65+ to book their pneumonia jab.

In comparison, it costs the NHS £2,510 to cure someone hospitalised with the flu and between £1,500 - £5,100 to cure someone hospitalised with pneumonia (information sourced from BMCPublicHealth and

As they say, prevention is better than cure. In Digital Willow’s case, it was 61.26 times more cost-effective to run our campaign on social media than to cure someone with Flu, or a whopping range of 133 – 453 times cheaper to prevent someone from getting pneumonia by getting them safely jabbed.


Could you be getting more brand awareness and conversions? Do you want to learn more about Importance of Personal Health & Social Media? Get in touch with us and see how we could increase it for you.