Can you believe it’s been a decade since Twitter was created? The # has transformed how we discover trends and news about #politics, #celebrities, #news, #business, #theArts and #sport to name a few.  Twitter has become a powerful influencer.

Gone are the days of the slow painful process of writing in a letter of a complaint.

Take this recent tweet: “@EE I complained since 4 days ago. I need service restored otherwise am already searching your competition @SkyTv or @TalkTalk.”

This guy wasn’t happy! (We have all been there). By not responding to him within 4 days EE was trying their best to lose that customer.  In fact, companies now know that they need to respond faster on social media channels than any other means, because their dirty laundry is hung out to dry.

Over the last 10 years, companies and individuals alike have worked hard at gaining their ‘followers’ as a metric of success.

– David Cameron 1.41 million followers

– Jeremy Corbyn 439,000 followers

– Kim Kardashian 43.4 million followers  (what is the world coming too!)

– Digital Willow 5524 followers (eech! Follow us please! where are you?)

From a marketing point of view we thank Twitter further still:

Twitter in a sense created “thought leaders” – these influencers, if we are lucky, might even tweet about our brands.

Twitter powered up the “second screen”.  No longer do we watch Glee or X factor alone.  Twitter also provides a really affordable way of advertising around a hit TV show without paying for a TV media plan.  Who’s up for some Games of Thrones advertising without the cost of producing a TV ad?

Twitter has taught us to be specific, speedy and clever with the use of 140 characters.  Twitter understood before the rest of us did, that attention spans are short – if you are going to say it – say it succinctly and say it fast!

Until next time, have a great week!